Subhyia Abu Muslim, the 20-year-old lady, is the design and montage department coordinator at Hisham Hijjawi College of Technology, where she was a student for two years. After earning the first rank in her major at college, she was employed as a graphic design lab assistant. Hiring her to become part of the faculty was a great move by the college because it believes in supporting remarkable and outstanding students.

The administration decided to hire extraordinary students at the college for a year. If they prove themselves qualified and competent, their period at work will be extended.

As usual, Abu Muslim didn't limit her knowledge from what she had learned during college; she developed her skills and worked hard on herself until she was more than enough to preserve her position in the college, and there she headed the design and montage department at the college.

Subhya now narrates the story of her registration at college: "At first, I wanted to specialize in journalism, but that didn't work out." she continues: "Because the field of graphic design is a priority to me, I decided to enroll in Hisham Hijjawi College of Technology. Despite all the judgments I faced, it didn't drag me down or change my mind."

During her studies, Subhya was able to show how outstanding she is, alongside working on acquiring new skills and experiences. The dean of the graphic design and applied arts department, Dr. Muhammad Suliman, says: "If someone truly loves something, they will be remarkable in it, and that is exactly what happened with Subhya. Also, she established grounds for herself by showing her capabilities when taking part in college exhibitions and later in the Palestine Skill contest."

Suliman said that the college applied the policy of getting the assistance of outstanding students over the past three years as a reward for their efforts. This move will also give them experience and encourage other students to thrive and prosper.

Subhaya's shining star didn't stop there; she participated in a nationwide graphic design contest and ranked second place. Now, she is waiting to partake in an international competition in Abu Dhabi in October 2017.

If a person seeks success, one should never stop working and gaining knowledge. Abu Muslim now looks forward to pursuing her studies abroad because graphic design is her unlimited passion and, as she describes it, is "a broad sea."

Subhaya was praised by everyone around her, from doctors to students she supervised in the labs, for she was known for her cheerful spirit and ability to communicate with others socially. In this context, student Tariq Al-Jabsheh says about her: "We had a relationship of colleagues, and of student-teacher one, she used to help us and converse with us as her friends; however, she never bent any rules, and she has such a terrific contribution inside the college and outside it."

Finally, Subhaya wraps up her story by confirming that she was so grateful for the decision to enroll in this college; it is a decision she will never regret. Subhaya feels that this is her second home. While talking about doctors and her students, she tells us that she has always had their support and has never lost the same family atmosphere.       

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