I entered the scientific stream in high school and graduated in 1992, and immediately afterward, I worked at my fathers garage for ten years. I worked in vehicle maintenance, particularly vehicle electricity, and injection fuel systems. Still, my experience was built on practicing only on somewhat old cars, so I thought I must learn about new vehicles.

I needed to develop my skills, especially in the scientific and technical aspects of modern vehicles, so I enrolled in Hisham Hijjawi College of Technology at a relatively late age compared to other students; I was 28 years old, married, and a father of two children. Yet, I graduated in mechanics and electricity at the top of my class.

I discovered that my college training immensely affected the reality of the labor market. I mastered dealing with modern cars and developed related machines, like examining and diagnosing modern vehicle failures. Thus, it led my business to grow and transform from maintaining old vehicles to dealing with every aspect of modern vehicles. 

My experience at Hijjawi was great in all aspects; the staff in the college are qualified and collaborative, and the equipment during the training was adequate and advanced. These things were part of my success in handling modern vehicles and in the success of my garage.

I recommend smart and top students enter the industrial field because of the many work opportunities in the labor market. Also, qualified graduates will have these opportunities right before them, opening every door to success. 

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