Hisham Hijjawi College of Technology is pleased to announce that a limited number of partial scholarships will be granted to the College's students for the first semester of the academic year 2023/2024. In order to qualify for the scholarship, students must meet the following criteria:


1. Attend the College regularly during study hours.

2. Demonstrate financial need and provide proof of it.

3. Not be affiliated with any other scholarship.

4. Have completed at least one semester.


Students who want to apply for financial assistance at Hisham Hijjawi College should visit the finance department with the following documents:


1. A printed and signed letter that provides details about the applicant's financial and social status.

2. A copy of the student's ID.

3. A copy of the guardian's ID, along with its attachment.

4. A new certificate of proof for each university student who is currently studying in the family, except for the applicant.

5. A salary slip of the father/mother that shows their monthly salary, or a signed and stamped letter from the institutions they work for.

6. A letter that details the father's occupation and income from an official institution, such as a municipality, a municipal council, or any other official institution, in case they are not an employee.

7. A letter from UNRWA or the Ministry of Social Affairs that confirms the family's registration (in case of a social case).

8. A copy of a legal rental contract of the household in case it is rented.

9. A stamped medical certificate from the Ministry of Health that describes a medical condition.

10. Death certificate of the Father or mother, if there is any.


Note that all the above-mentioned documents must be submitted to the loans department at Hisham Hijjawi College between 14/6/2023 and 25/06/2023. If any of the required documents are missing, or if they are false, the application will not be accepted, and it will be canceled.


Loans and student aid division

Finance department

عدد القراءات: 2